Hier noch ein Artikel zur geplanten Wehrpflicht von Frauen von Reuters auf englisch, aus dem Archiv von Tunisnews (site.voila.fr/archivtn)

Tunisian women to fall in for military service

TUNIS, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Tunisia will require women to do military service from the New Year, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday, underlining sex equality in an Arab country known for its progressive stance on women's rights.

"Military service is obligatory for women, beginning next year," Ministry spokesman Mustafa Ben Bachi told Reuters.

In the last few years, military service for women has been regularly advocated by members of parliament, including a number of women MPs.

"Tunisian women work and share with men in all economic and social fields, so why not in the military domain?" Aroussi Nalouti, a deputy from the opposition Movement of Social Democrats said.

Known for its modern thinking on women's rights, Tunisia is also the only Arab Muslim country to forbid polygamy.

Defence Minister Dali Jazi, telling parliament of the decision earlier this month, said conscription for women would be introduced "step by step".

Tunisian law states that all citizens aged at least 20 are eligible for military service, unless exempt on medical grounds.

"The law on conscription has not changed. What is new is that there has been a deeper reading of the existing law, which is intended for all Tunisian citizens of either sex," Ben Bachi said. Tunisian men are called up for one year.

Khira Lagha, a female deputy from the ruling Democratic Constitutional Rally, said: "I didn't oppose the decision -- it's a national duty and we are equal to men here. But I'd have preferred it if (military service for women) was optional."

Nineteen-year-old student Soumaya gave a mixed reaction to the decision. "Why not, if we are equal to men? But I'm not sure that my mother will let me do it".

((Reporting by Aisha Ben Mahmoud; Editing by Lucy Fielder; Tunis newsroom,
+216-71 787538 fax +216-71 787454, tunis.newsroom@reuters.com))


Tut mir leid, ich habe dich nicht verstanden. Männer und Frauen können entweder ihren Militärdienst ableisten oder zahlen. Ich sehe den Unterschied nicht.
In einem anderen (französischen) Artikel habe ich außerdem gelesen, dass in der Presse von "drakonischen" Sanktionen gegenüber denjenigen Frauen gesprochen wurde, die ihrer Pflicht nicht nachkommen.